Sunday, March 31, 2013


Our early morning Easter egg hunt started with the boys finding an Easter Rex holding their treat buckets. Instead of the maps we had last year, this year the boys discovered a chart describing the different treats they were to seek and listing how many of each. The boys took their charts and a crayon each out with them, and in the midst of their excitement, managed to tick off each find as it was added to their bucket. Boronia came along, riding on my back in the baby carrier, and watching the proceedings with great interest. 

After Church, we stopped for a play in the garden of the Civic Centre. 

Waratah demonstrated his usual joy and appreciation for God's creation. 
He is a very enthusiastic nature lover!

I didn't get any photos of Mulga, as he was determinedly playing hide and seek in the bushes.

Boronia's favourite place was the ornamental stone bridge, 
which was just the right size to support her.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Getting outside again.

Everyone has been sick with the flu, so we celebrated our recovery and a sunny day by:

practising some soccer skills with Daddy, and

Boronia's first "home picnic".

Friday, March 29, 2013

Maths on the move

Estimating, then measuring with an informal unit 
(the yellow block near Mulga's toe) 
how far their Hotwheels Ballistic cars can jump. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Waratah turns 7

Happy Birthday!
Waratah made and decorated the cake almost entirely by himself and he also made dinosaur brownies for the family and chocolate cupcakes for his soccer team.

Waratah playing soccer on his birthday.

(Photos to be added when I find them!)