☑ Bible reading: Joseph and the spies - Joshua 2
☑ Measuring and making paper planes - using a ruler
☑ Count up and down with timer - analogue and digital
☑ Left and right awareness
☑ Story Time - Sandra Boynton, Philadelphia Chickens (2004)
☑ Story Time - Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are (1963)
☑ Story Time - Dorothy Wall, Blinky Bill Grows Up (1934) chapter 3 'Mr Smifkins's Farm'
Science & Technology: Looking around you - Why are some things in some places?
☑ Read and discuss - Sandra Boynton, Philadelphia Chickens (2004): "Please can we keep it?" - appropriate and inappropriate pets
☑ Investigation - outdoor exploration with magnifying glass
☑ Video - 'What are fossils?'
☑ Video - Australia's Unique Dinosaurs
Human Society & Environment: Families Past and Present - We order time by date.
☑ Discussion: Leap Years - Time as a human construct
☑ Discussion: Special occasions - Mother's day, Easter, Birthdays
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
☑ Read and discuss - Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are (1963): Appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
☑ practice finding a calm place
☑ soccer skills - kicking with non-dominant foot
☑ trampoline
Creative Arts
☑ Song and dance - Sandra Boynton, Philadelphia Chickens (2004)
☑ Making a plane from recycled materials
☑ Alphabet frame
☑ Filling a bottle with crumpled paper to make a shaker (fine motor skills)
☑ Song and dance - Sandra Boynton, Philadelphia Chickens (2004)
☑ trampoline
☑ June Oberlander, Fun Start (2007) '4 years, Week 2: Junk'
☑ Dot pattern puzzle
Infant Activities
☑ June Oberlander, Fun Start (2007) 'Week 9: Interaction With Your Baby With Understanding'
☑ Sense of smell - Lavender
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