Religion: Bible Story
☑ Etta B. Degering My Bible Friends, Book 4: Go Wash in the River
English: Independent Reading
☑ Browsing through library books
English: Story Time
☑ Luke Tidies Up based on the Large Family stories by Jill Murphy (2008)
English: Story Time
☑ Hugh Lofting, Dr Dolittle (1920) Chapters 14 - 18
Mathematics: IXL / iPad
☑ Butterfly Math - addition (the basic (free) version of this app is too simple for Waratah, who has many others that he prefers, so I am moving it into Mulga's section).
Creative Arts: Music
☑ Both boys had a try at playing a trumpet and a trombone.
☑ We then watched Rafael Mendez, The Trumpet, Musicale of the Day (1940s?). If you want a treat, watch the third section in which he plays Flight of the Bumblebee and The Mexican Hat Dance.
Human Society & Environment: Brainstorming
☑ How did Aborigines use the Nepean river?
Science & Technology: Why Is It So?
☑ Recap of Waratah's understanding of the water cycle.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: My Body
☑ Once Upon A Time... Life: Blood [Playlist - 3 episodes]
☑ Once Upon A Time...
Life: Platelets [Playlist - 3 episodes]
Cultural Studies: Investigating Diversity
☑ Introduction to famous rivers around the world - the Nile, the Yangtze, the Thames, the Mississippi, the Congo, the Ganges, the Danube, and the Amazon.
PreK - Play-based learning (EYLF)
☑ Mulga joined in the trumpet playing and Rafael Mendez video, Story time, and the My Body videos.
☑ He also spent time today working with the Mini Train for Kids (logic / puzzle solving) app, and got out his nesting firemen and nesting dolls for some dramatic and manipulative play.
Infant - Learning stories
☑ Boronia is working on movement. She is rolling around all over the place!
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