Thursday, April 11, 2013

End of Term 1 Swimming at Springwood

We have seen great progress at swimming this term. Waratah has realised that he really enjoys floating, while Mulga has discovered the joys of going underwater. Conversely, Mulga is still working on developing stability while afloat, and Waratah has yet to conquer his dislike of putting his face in the water, although he has worked hard at it and made a significant effort to do so.

Boronia has also enjoyed swimming, particularly the socialisation aspect of having a friend only slightly older than herself. She is quite a water baby, and has gone from being with me in the sling, to paddling and kicking along, with a bubble on her back, supported by a pool noodle or kickboard (and me of course).

Mulga has done well with a consistent teacher.

Waratah has experienced some stress from a succession of teachers while his regular teacher was recovering from an injury. However, I am very proud of him for persisting despite his dislike of the change in the expected routine.

As usual, to celebrate the end of term, the water slide was opened up. All the kids loved this, and their way of enjoying it demonstrated their personality in interesting ways. 
Mulga was a daredevil, going as fast as he could, face first.

Waratah was more cautious, but also enjoyed making the ride last as long as he could, slowing himself and even stopping along the way. He prefers to remain in control of the situation, where Mulga is prepared to let go and enjoy the rush. Both were equally happy afterwards, and part of my preference for this swimming pool - which involves quite extensive travel to get to - is the willingness of the teachers to adapt to the needs of the boys as individuals.

We always stay for a swim after our lessons, and for both boys (and Boronia) this is the highlight of their day. Both boys have greatly increased their confidence and ability to play in the water. Their increasing familiarity with the other homeschooled children we swim with has also increased their confidence in playing with others. Although we will not be swimming during the winter months (Term 2 and 3) we plan to continue expanding on this socialisation aspect by meeting some of these same families for regular bushwalks.

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