Religion: Lives of the Saints
Theme: The Sacraments - Baptism
☑ John the Baptist - reread the Bible stories from yesterday.
English: Reading Eggs
☑ Map 5 Lesson 49 (partly completed)
English: Handwriting Practice
☑ See Science below
Mathematics: IXL / iPad
Theme: Measurement - What attributes can be measured?
☑ Rocket Maths (subtraction)
☑ Zoom (number lines)
☑ Hungry Guppy (addition)
Creative Arts: Craft
☑ Make a paper helicopter flyer
Human Society & Environment: Brainstorming
Theme: All about me.
☑ Watched several episodes of Little Human Planet and brainstormed ways in which the lives of children around the world were different to our life.
Science & Technology: Experiment
Theme: A baby grows to an adult.
☑ Continued to observe our potato growing experiment, which has expanded to include some (much more impressive) carrot tops.
Science & Technology: Observation and Report
☑ Waratah chose to collect all the different grasses that grow in our front yard and put them in a book. He was particularly pleased to find an ear of wheat which had sprouted from some dropped birdseed, so he illustrated this with a photo and feather from our pet corrella and a photo of one of our roosters (both of whom eat wheat). This project also involved voluntary handwriting practice.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: My Body
☑ Once Upon A Time... Life: Cell Planet [Playlist - 3 episodes]
☑ Once Upon A Time... Life: Birth [Playlist - 3 episodes]
Cultural Studies: Craft
☑ Waratah pinpointed Italy on the globe, but we were unsuccessful in our search for a traditional Italian baby toy that we could make. Instead, we made Italian mountain climbers, climbing over the Alps. Waratah used some of the wool from our farm visit for snow on his mountain.
PreK - Play-based learning (EYLF)
Sensory Play
☑ Sand pit
Exploratory Play
☑ Mulga experimented with arranging his construction toys in various shapes.
Manipulative Play
☑ Mulga enjoyed making the helicopters, and was inspired to do some crayon colouring (which he normally avoids).
Dramatic Play
☑ Construction crew
Creative Play
☑ Making a mountain climber
Infant - Play-based learning
Sensory Play
☑ air bath
Exploratory Play
☑ toes in the clover
Manipulative Play
☑ rattle ball
Dramatic Play
☑ peek a boo
Creative Play
☑ nursery rhyme singing
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