Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2012 Term 4 Week 4 Day 2


Religion: Lives of the Saints
☑ Discussion:
  • who lives in heaven?
  • what is an angel? 
  • what is a soul? (Waratah wanted to know whether it was the same as the soles of his feet!)
  • what is a saint?
  • what is a miracle?
English: Handwriting Practice
☑ Waratah tried to convince me to let him watch Tom & Jerry cartoons early in the morning, by writing a note. I was pleased to see him attempt phonetic spelling (as he usually prefers to have me spell words for him to write). On this occasion he was trying to see if he could communicate what he wanted by writing alone, so to ask would have spoiled the surprise. He wrote Tom, cat (with the C reversed), Gere (with the G reversed) and malse (mouse). (His efforts were rewarded with a single episode, as a compromise of our 'only educational tv on school mornings' rule.)

☑ Waratah also used Maily to compose an email to me. He took a photo of himself and Boronia, and wrote both their names correctly (after asking me how to spell hers).

English: Story Time
☑ Hugh Lofting, Dr Dolittle (1920)

Dr Dolittle is still extremely popular. We read chapters 3 - 9 today. Waratah wanted me to keep going, but my voice gave out! He is keenly interested in the story and happily answering comprehension questions.

Mathematics: IXL / iPad
Motion Maths: Wings (pre-multiplication)
Mini Train for Kids (logic / puzzle solving)

Creative Arts: Craft
☑ We attempted to use coloured blu-tack as modelling clay. However, it was too sticky, so it was impossible to separate the colours after they were initially joined in the first attempts. After that, Waratah experimented with mixing the colours by rolling and spreading the resulting ball, and investigating its texture (squishing, rolling, pulling slow to stretch, pulling fast to snap).

Human Society & Environment: Investigation
☑ We virtually visited the whale exhibit at Melbourne Museum. Waratah correctly identified an ambulocetus skeleton, and told me more facts about whales than were provided in the exhibit. He enjoyed this app and we will return to it again.

Science & Technology: Experiment
Theme: Egg and Chicken
☑ Today Waratah learned how to blow the contents out of an egg. We used the contents to make breakfast and the shells for our culture craft.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Skills Practice
☑ Waratah demonstrated his mastery of the side gallop, performing it on the trampoline.

Cultural Studies: Craft
☑ We used our gouache paints to decorate the eggshells. Acrylic paints may give a better effect, but the boys were very pleased with the results of their efforts.

Waratah called his creations "Big Eye", "Longnose" and "Super Egg". He said he was inspired by Picasso (which is cool, as he didn't seem to pay much attention when we looked at Picasso a couple of months ago.) I thought we were making Christmas decorations, but the last time we painted eggs, about two years ago, we made egg faces. I had forgotten, but Waratah had not!

Big Eye and Longnose
Super Egg

PreK - Play-based learning (EYLF)

☑ Mulga similarly enjoyed the egg painting.

Infant - Learning story

☑ Boronia was introduced to Monkey See, Monkey Zoo (Lamaze). She particularly liked the leaping tiger, and after looking at all the pages closely, decided that they were also rather tasty.

☑ Looking in the mirror after her bath, Boronia was clearly focusing on her own reflection, and when asked, "Where's Mummy?" she directed her gaze to my reflection, then looked back and forth between the two reflections with a big smile. She is starting to recognise herself as a separate identity.

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