Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Term 3 Week 5 Day 3


☑ Bible reading: TheBattle of Jericho - Joshua 6

☑ Identify and count the animals on our walk (alpacas, moorhens, crimson rosellas, horses, dogs, wood ducks)
☑ Count to 30

☑ Read Aloud - Sandra Boynton Philadelphia Chickens (2004) 'Nobody understands me'
☑ Independent reading - Jerry Pallotta & Ralph Masiello, The Skull Alphabet Book (2002)

Science & Technology: Looking around you - Why are some things in some places?
☑ Build dinosaur habitat diorama
☑ Question: What makes the water different colors? Discussion of micro-organisms. Experiment: is it iron bacteria or pollution?
There are a couple of things you can do to make sure what you are looking at is iron bacteria, and not a pollution incident
•Smell test - It is possible that you will smell something like decaying matter in a swamp. This is fine, it is just likely that the bacteria are dying (especially if they are being dried out by the sun). It shouldn't smell toxic like petrol, oil, chemicals or sewage.
•Surface test - It is possible that you may notice something that resembles oil on top of the water, in the same location as the rust-coloured material. If you poke a stick into the surface and it fractures like ice on a pond, and doesn't join back together, it is most likely associated with iron bacteria. If it clings to your stick and joins back together, it could be oil. (Source)
Conclusion: The red, black and rainbow sheen is caused by iron bacteria, the green is algae growing.

Human Society & Environment: Families Past and Present - We order time by date.
☑ Discuss: what is today's date?
☑ Memorizing name and address

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
☑ Ride scooter down the road
☑ Bush walk

Creative Arts
☑ Build dinosaur habitat diorama

☑ Discuss: nonsense words and words in unfamiliar languages


☑ Exploration walk down the road

☑ Bush walk
☑ Role play calling emergency services
☑ Memorize name and address
☑ Role play telephone conversation

Infant Activities

☑ Exploration walk down the road
☑ Tummy time

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