Sunday, August 12, 2012

Time for a new plan

The structured work box method is not working out. Waratah does not feel he has enough control and as a result is very resistant to school time. This is translating into undesirable behaviour in other areas, as he feels a lack of connection. He is keen on learning and has many ideas. He needs a more flexible, free form plan that can follow his interests, rather than repetitive tasks. I am keeping the underlying structure based on the curriculum, but allowing more freedom for its implementation, planning subject areas over a week, rather than a list of specific activities to get through each day. I will use this journal to record our progress.

I also need start preparing Mulga for preschool work and plan development-appropriate baby activities for Boronia... One step at a time!

☺ This week, Waratah has asked for work on fossils. This should tie in well with the S&T and HS&E topics for this week.

☑ map plan & print - plan to be loose, flexible outline for the week, not a set "to do" list
☑ investigate Evernote & memclip as ways to prepare rabbit trails - decided Pinterest more useful; start specific boards for each child that they can choose activities from.
☑ implement new way to record daily learning activities. I tried a number of journalling apps, but decided Blogger was most useful due to cross-platform functionality, ability to format text, easily add website links and pictures, etc.

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