Monday, September 17, 2012

Term 3 Week 10 Day 1


Mathematics: iPad
☑ 123 Domino [Link]
☑ Hungry Fish [Link]
☑ Rocket Math [Link]

English: Reading Eggs
☑ Map 5 Lesson 46

Science & Technology: Video & Worksheet
Topic: Looking around you - Town and Country
☑ The Magic Schoolbus Gets Eaten [Link]
Food Chain

Food Web
(By the way, the line between the eagle and the plant is not a mistake - Waratah drew a nest there, showing that the interaction is more complex than just eat and be eaten!)

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: My Body
☑ Once Upon A Time... Life - The Digestion [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Waratah particularly enjoyed this video and watched it through twice. He wants to see more of the series.

Cultural Studies: Music
☑ In depth discussion of the lyrics of Waltzing Matilda (Banjo Patterson) and G'day G'day (Slim Dusty).

Religion: Lives of the Saints
☑ More on St Jerome - videos [Link] [Link]
☑ Homily on St Jerome [Link]

Human Society & Environment: Discussion / Debate (Clarifying Values)
Topic: Families Past and Present - At the museum.
☑ Are lost teeth an artifact?

English: Story Time
☑ Lois Ehlert, Leaf Man (2005)

Creative Arts: Craft
Leaf pictures inspired by Leaf Man for our Virtual Book Club Activity. Waratah liked the idea, and the leaf collecting. However, he was reluctant to actually try to put a picture together until I sat down to make one myself. We will revisit this book in Autumn (it is Spring here now, so we added in flower petals to give some colour.) Waratah particularly liked it that after we took our pictures, we picked up the white paper and let the wind carry our creations away.

Waratah's Leaf T-Rex with camellia petal carrion and daisy petal teeth and claws!
Mum's Leaf Man.


English: Story Time
☑ Richard Scarry, The Funniest Storybook Ever (1972)

iPad: Create a Car

Imaginative Play: Trucks

Active Lifestyle: Trampoline

Infant Activities

☑ iPad: Baby video flashcards [Link]

☑ Mirror play

☑ Water splash: lots of kicking in the bath today - investigating cause and effect

☑ Peek-a-boo

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining the Virtual Book Club for Kids this month, your Leaf Man is adorable. Can't wait to see what you share next month with Amy Rosenthal!
