Friday, September 7, 2012

Term 3 Week 8 Day 5


Human Society & Environment: Mystery Activity
Topic: Families Past and Present - Then and Now.
☑ Waratah continued using the Our Story App - recording explanations to go with the photos and typing captions (he decides what words he wants to write, and asks me to spell unfamiliar words while he types)

Mathematics: iPad
☑ Rocket Maths - addition and subtraction

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Video & Worksheet
☑ Crawford Cat Puts His Toys Away [Link]

Science & Technology: Experiment
Topic: Looking around you - The Playground and Garden
☑ Sprouting Potato experiment
Day 1 observations: little tiny stems sprouting; cotton wool is wet
Hypothesis: stems will grow leaves; roots will come from the bottom of the potato slice and grow down into the cotton wool

Cultural Studies: Music
☑ Irish music and dancing (Spring festival) [Link]
☑ Chinese Spring Festival 2012 - Jiangzhou drum music - The Drum rhyme of Dragon [Link]
- Waratah loved both the above videos and watched them multiple times, discussing the different rhythms and movements of the performers. We also discussed the level of practice, cooperation and coordination necessary to create the successful performance and how all the parts were important for the whole show.

Cultural Studies: Languages
☑ The above discussion led into a question about the irish accent, so we investigated the different ways people spoke English in the United Kingdom and Australia, and how the way you speak can give clues about where you live:
- Irish [Link]
- Scottish [Link]
- British [Link]
- Australian [Link]

Creative Arts: Poetry
☑ Shel Silverstein, Hug O' War (Where the Sidewalk Ends, 1974)
I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.

- We repeated this poem several times. Mulga particularly loved it and started to learn it. We will continue repeating it and see if we can learn it by the end of September.

English: Story Time
☑ Dorothy Wall, Blinky Bill and Nutsy (1937) chapter 2 'The Tree Warming'

Creative Arts: Craft
☑ Dinosaur Feet [Link]

Creative Arts: Drawing / Painting / Colouring
☑ Crayon resist painting

Mathematics: Weights and Measures
☑ Making Pumpkin Scones

Other Activities
☑ Create a Car App [Link]
(included spelling as Waratah had to name his car and write a description of it)


- Mulga is still unwell. However, he participated in many of the above activities, including Story Time, Poetry, Music and the Create a Car App.

☑ Scissor Skills: Dinosaur Feet Craft

☑ Drawing / Colouring / Painting:

Infant Activities

☑ Tummy Time
☑ Gross Motor Activities: roly poly
☑ Games: Peek-a-boo
☑ Baby Sign Language: "toilet", "all done", "hungry"

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