English: Independent Reading
☑ Sue Graves and Belinda Worsley,
Harry's Hat (2007)
- Waratah read the whole book aloud to us, with just a little assistance.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: My Body
☑ Study of nutrition - discussed and put posters on the fridge for "Eat a Rainbow" and "1 Great Plate"
Science & Technology: Project
Looking around you - Town and Country
☑ Comparing the Town and the Country
Town: The town is smoky and you can't see the stars. |
Country: The country is great. You can see lots of stars. There are ducks and wattle trees. |
English: Handwriting Practice
☑ Writing about "the town" for science - see above.
Creative Arts: Craft
☑ Making a bird feeder from paper cups.
Mathematics: Weights and Measures
☑ Introduction to the balance scale
☑ Estimating - how many grams?
☑ Adding two column numbers
☑ Spin and compare weights game
Cultural Studies: Investigating Diversity
☑ Looking at pictures of towns in different countries - India, Greece, Russia and Italy. Comparing features and talking about what it would be like to live in each one.
Human Society & Environment: Mystery Activity
Families Past and Present - What is an artifact?
☑ Exploring some artifacts from my family heirloom treasure box. Waratah's favourite item (and mine as well) is this very old American Indian seed necklace. We also looked at a photo of an oil painting of our ancestor wearing the same necklace. I told Waratah about seeing the painting hanging over my Grandma's piano, when I was about his age, and also showed him photos of and items inherited from my Grandma - his great grandmother. We agreed that sometime in the future we would like to conduct further research to learn more about our Indian ancestor. All we know is that she is a Cree from Canada who married a Scotsman.
☑ trampoline
☑ marbles
☑ tree climbing
☑ story telling - Mulga has not stopped telling everyone all his favourite details about our visit to the swimming pool yesterday.
☑ iPad - Mulga spent some time on 3D ABC, and then played Create a Car.
Infant Activities
☑ Peek a boo
☑ lots of singing
☑ introduction to a shaker (maraca)