English: Independent Reading
☑ Steve Light, Christmas Giant (2010)
English: Story Time
☑ Janeen Brian and Helen Leitch, Nature's Way A - Z (2005)
Mathematics: Weights and Measures
☑ Measuring and weighing toy dinosaurs
Human Society & Environment: Investigation
Topic: Families Past and Present - Then and Now.
☑ Sydney Streets: Then and Now. Investigating how streetscapes change over time. What is different? What remains the same? [Link]
Creative Arts: Art Study
☑ Looking at paintings by Pablo Picasso. Noticing the different styles used by the artist at different times in his life.
Religion: The Best We Can Be
☑ Retelling the Parable of the Talents & relating it to our lives.
Creative Arts: Drawing / Painting / Colouring
☑ Creating a picture in the style of Picasso - bold lines and bright colours.
Cultural Studies: Festivals and Celebration
☑ Cherry Blossom Festivals in Japan [Link]
☑ Japan Matsuri [Part one] [Part two] [Part three] [Part four]
☑ Our own Hanami (picnic under the flowers - although it was too sunny directly under the plum trees, which can be seen in the background.)
Science & Technology: Observation and Report
Topic: Looking around you - The Park and Garden
☑ Close study of plum blossom
☑ Scientific drawing and labelling parts of the flower
Mulga was unwell today, although he attempted to participate.
Infant Activities
☑ Tummy Time
☑ Exploring: Plum blossom
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