Creative Arts: Craft
☑ Independent creation - a home and a friend for Waratah's monster.
English: iPad
☑ Eggy Words (sight words recognition) [Link]
Mathematics: Weights and Measures
☑ Measuring and weighing rocks
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Role Play Safety
☑ Practice giving full name and address to emergency services, and describing the nature of the emergency
Creative Arts: Poetry
☑ Reading poems by Shel Silverstein
☑ Waratah particularly enjoyed Recipe for a Hippopotamus Sandwich [Link]
☑ Waratah composed his own version of Silverstein's poem
Human Society & Environment: Mystery Activity
Topic: Families Past and Present - Then and Now.
☑ Waratah began using the Our Story App to create a book about himself and his favourite things, using photos from his life [Link]
Science & Technology: Why Is It So?
Topic: Looking around you - The Park and Garden
☑ Waratah asked: "Have humans ever travelled beyond the solar system?"
☑ Our investigation led us to learn about Voyager 1 and 2. We discovered that yesterday was the 35th anniversary of their launch [Link] and that it is a particularly exciting time as the probes are now on the verge of breaking through the heliosphere and entering interstellar space [Link].
Cultural Studies: Languages
☑ We looked at how the words "Spring season" are written in different languages [Link]
Religion: Lives of the Saints
☑ We continued learning about St Jerome, reading the first half of Lenore Lang The Saint with the Lion (1912) [Link]
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Free Choice Activity
☑ Bush walk
Mulga was feeling unwell again today.
☑ iPad: Bugs and Bubbles [Link]
☑ Bush walk
Infant Activities
☑ Tummy Time
☑ Baby Sign Language: "toilet", "hungry" and "all done"
☑ Self Awareness: sitting on the potty
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