Science & Technology: Experiment
Topic: Looking around you - Town and Country
☑ Investigating bouyancy (trapping air under water)
Creative Arts: Craft
☑ Decorating a treasure box
English: Reading Eggs
☑ Map 5 Lesson 46 (partially completed)
Cultural Studies: Music
☑ Australian bush bands
- Bushwackers Botany Bay [Link]
- Aussie Bush Band I still call Australia home [Link]
- Hop Around Australia, you Bush Kangaroo [Link]
amongst others
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Video & Worksheet
☑ Crawford the Cat: Crawford is a Sneezer Pleaser [Link]
Mathematics: Manipulatives
☑ Introduction to fractions using blocks
Mathematics: IXL / iPad
☑ Pizza fractions: Beginning with simple fractions [Link]
Human Society & Environment: Mystery Activity
Topic: Families Past and Present - Artifacts.
☑ Looking at paintings by my Nana (an artist, now deceased), discussing their relevance as artifacts, and painting our own future artifacts (small paintings on canvas to be given as gifts).
Science & Technology: Why Is It So?
☑ Why are there so many different types of clover? Discussion of diversity and monocultures; investigation of diversity in our lawn ecology. We have a very diverse lawn - Waratah identified 7 different species in the small area frame.
☑ Reading Eggs
☑ iPad
☑ Painting
☑ Music
Infant Activities
☑ Play Gym
☑ Fun Start:
☑ Gross Muscle Activities: scooting across bed
☑ Self Awareness: Potty time; mirror play
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